Cat. lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. Vol. 2 502. Josiodes celena. Josia celena, Wlk. ii. 297 (1854), $; Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 295. Scedrosa trajecta, W1k. xxxi. 138 (1864), 2; Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 295. Josiodes purpurata, Butl. Ill. Het. i. p. 55, pl. 19. f. 5 (1877); Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 295. Male. Black, slightly shot with purple ; abdomen with lateral orange fasciee except on terminal segment. Fore wing with broad oblique orange band from costa just beyond middle to just above inner margin near tornus, its inner margin slightly angled below costa. Female. Abdomen with the orange fascia not extending to last three segments ; fore wing with the orange band not angled below costa and reaching inner margin, towards which it is slightly bent inwards. Ab. 1. purpurata. Hind wing with small orange spot on underside at lower angle of cell. Hab. Surinam ; Amazons, Manaos (Austen), 1 ¢ , ga (Bates), 1 9 _ type trajecta, Rio Negro ( Wallace), 1 g type, Rio Solimoés (7Z’ratt), 1 @ type purpurata ; Boxtvia, Corvico; Puru, Chancamayo. Lup., 3 30-34, 2 40 millim,